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Seeds Sown for Harvest


You never know where life is going to take you. What looks like a devastating detour can be the exact route God leads you to your destiny. Back in the 90's (yes I am that old LOL) my parents set out on a journey to purchase a property to use as a Pastor's retreat. They had a vision and heart for ministering to Pastors and visited several properties with their church small group. I remember how excited they were, and my mom would call me to tell me about all the different features the properties offered. After awhile the dream got tucked away and put on a shelf, but not without seeds being planted in my soul. In 2014, my mom went to be with Jesus after an incredibly aggressive form of cancer ended her earth walk. I remember reading the scripture from John 12:24 I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone [just one grain, never more]. But if it dies, it produces much grain and yields a harvest. I remember asking the Lord to not let my mom's death be in vain and that with it would come a great harvest of souls. Fast forward to 2021 when I went through another dark night of the soul. It was a devastating blow and one that I almost didn't recover from, But God! Little did I know that this detour was a divine appointment on the way to my destiny. And the seeds that were planted back in the 90's were starting to sprout, bloom and growing into a harvest that has yet to be seen. I thank God for the ways He has used the hard seasons of my life to produce a harvest for His glory. It was not without pain and suffering but nothing worth fighting for ever is. The moral of this story is this, don't ever give up on the dreams God has planted in your soul. They may feel dead, buried and impossible but not when God steps in. He is the God of the impossible and just think of the harvest that will come from one little seed in the soil. In Matthew 9:37 Jesus says, "The harvest is plenty but the workers are few." So let's get to work saints!



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